Demistifying the Mystical
When I was first learning my way around all this magical stuff, I had a friend. I would go over to her house regularly, to sit on her porch and just talk magic. Sometimes she’d read runes for me, sometimes we’d toss practical spellwork around, and sometimes we would kick around theory and concepts. This one example of many, highlights where I have learned the best, and my goal with Four Gates is to bring that back porch feeling to you all.

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The Hidden Signs: Magical Techniques for Applied Symbolism
For hundreds or thousands of years, people have used the language of symbol to affect real change in their life. In the modern age, we are flooded with all sorts of different metaphysical and magical symbol sets, that often disagree with one another. In this book, we'll take a look at the underlying truth of symbols as a language to Spirit, and a way to make effective change.
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